Robert Gerhard i Ottenwaelder (1896-1970) Trio número 1 en Si major [first world recording] Trio número 2 en La bemoll major Felip Pedrell i Sabaté (1841-1922) Nocturns - trio op. 55* [first world recording with harmonium] TRIO PEDRELLChristian Torres, violíFerran Bardolet, violoncelJordi Humet, piano*Juan de la Rubia, harmonium
After a poem by Paul Verlaine. Dedicated to Choer Ascèse - Anglet.
Preiere: Juny 2015 Nagoya (Japó) Ensemble Musica QuLacoza.
Edició a cura de Miquel Villalba. Inclou particel·les. Full d’àlbum Nostàlgies Sonata I. Andante sostenuto II. Scherzo III. Adagio quasi fantasia IV. Final
First edition. This edition is based entirely on the autograph manuscript of the Trio in B score kept at the Institut d’Estudis Vallencs, since it is the only known and available source. Edited by Raül Benavides.
© 2016.
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