

Joan Magrané 

Joan Magrané Figuera (Reus, 1988) received his first composition lessons by Ramon Humet.

He subsequently studied at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (Barcelona) with Agustín Charles, in the Kunst Universität (Graz) with Beat Furrer and in the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse (Paris) with Stefano Gervasoni. The year 2016 he was one of the lauréats of the Villa Medici in Rome. Some poetic and artistic references—from Arnaut Daniel to Francesc Garriga, from Albrecht Dürer to Miquel Barceló—are crucial in his creative process; also very close to him are the works by Josquin Des Prés, Orlando di Lasso and Claudio Monteverdi.

His works has been performed by the Ensemble IntercontemporainQuatuor DiotimaQuartet Gerhard, Neue VocalsolistenBBC Scottish Symphony OrchestraOrquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de CatalunyaOrquesta de la RTVETrío Arbós, bcn216CrossingLinesFunktion, Isang Enders, Sean Shibe, and many others. In the field of opera he has worked on different projects such as Dido Reloaded (with María Hinojosa and Anna Alàs) and disPLACE (with Elena Copons and Sébastien Soules).

He has been awarded several international awards including the Premio Injuve, 2010, Berliner Opernprize, 2013 and the XXXI Queen Sophia Composition Prize, 2014.

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